Timber houses and cottages are experiencing a renaissance: more and more clients choose timber for their home construction. It is also explained by the cutting-edge wood processing technologies, which deprives wood of its disadvantages while maintaining its strengths – naturalness and a comfortable microclimate inside the house.
The Siberian Forest company builds houses from glued laminated and profiled timber, handcrafted log houses, as well as Post&Beam frame houses.
In the catalogue of projects, you can choose an option for yourself, in view of your preferences and wishes. For ease of use, the catalogue is classified according to the material and floor space.
It is not a problem if you like the project, but you want to make small changes: we modify it according to the clients’ requests.
For those who have not found a suitable option, you can develop a unique project. In this case, you will receive a house that has no analogue.