Main / Handcrafted log houses

Handcrafted log houses

Handcrafted log houses in Kazan are objects created by manual labor of top-level craftsmen. The carpenters of the Siberian Forest company use traditional methods of Canadian, Norwegian and Russian manual felling.

The Canadian felling technology is characterized by dense fitting and careful squaring off logs. As a result, the walls do not have cracks, and the frame does not require caulking. The Canadian bowl is a thorn-groove carved into a log. After the frame installation, the logs self-wedge, which ensures excellent tightness and wind protection.

Norwegian felling technology differs from Canadian one in that a half log or gun carriage is used in the wooden house construction. The Norwegian lock with triangular edges in corner joints is a thoughtful solution. It eliminates the appearance of gaps and cracks since, over time, the logs self-wedge under their weight.

Russian felling technology is the simplest and most affordable. However, not every craftsman is able to cut out the bowl so that the house corners form a tight and reliable connection. Russian felling technology is a time-tested technology for house construction. There are examples of such houses that have stood for more than one hundred years.

Advantages of handcrafted log houses:

  • A log processed with a draw knife reveals the uniqueness of the tree natural pattern.
  • Durability. The lifespan of handcrafted log house is more than a hundred years.
  • Excellent air exchange and comfortable microclimate inside the house: warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Traditional construction tested through the years: our grandfathers and great-grandfathers built using this technology.
  • Manual work at all construction stages.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Minimal waste during construction.

Materials for the construction of handcrafted log houses

Siberian cedar, pine, larch. The logs diameter is from 300 to 1000 millimeters.

Цена на дома из рубленого бревна


от 55 000 руб. за м2
В стоимость входит:
Фундамент монолитная плита с закладными трубами под коммуникации
Наружные и внутренние стены бревно не более 300-320-340 мм
Стропильная система Обрезная доска 50х200
Утепленная кровля Металлочерепица (утепление 200мм)
Водоотлив, софиты +
Наружная покраска +
Окна +
Цена за квадратный метр дает возможность сделать примерный расчет стоимости дома (без коммуникаций).


от 65 000 руб. за м2
В стоимость входит:
Фундамент монолитная плита с закладными трубами
Наружные и внутренние стены бревно не более 300-320-340 мм
Стропильная система Обрезная доска 50х200
Утепленная кровля Утеплённая мягкая кровля ( утепление 200мм)
Водоотлив, софиты +
Наружная покраска +
Окна +
Цена за квадратный метр дает возможность сделать примерный расчет стоимости дома (без коммуникаций).

Our craftsmen are fluent in the manual felling technology, creating unique and reliable houses from chopped logs. Examples of implemented projects can be viewed on..

Production base of the company "Siberian Forest"

Our handcrafted log houses

Dreaming of your own wooden house? Call us to get a cost calculation for the selected project.

What People Say About Us

Our guiding principle is to complete transparency of the process, mutual understanding with the client, and constructive dialogue. We try to find solutions for the most difficult problems. We work in compliance with technological requirements, but at the same time, we are ready to find an original solution for any task.


Russian Federation | Republic of Tatarstan
Kazan city | Tatarstan street, 20
Phone:+7 (843) 225-25-10 Site:
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